Saturday 30 May 2009


I've now watched three different people leave since April. Each time it leaves an odd feeling inside. First Angeles back in the middle of April, then Toni about a week ago, and now Susy.


We stand in the drive, hugging, saying goodbye, stumbling over Spanish and English alike, laughing, some tears. They get in the car, the engine starts, we're still yelling 'Adios!' and waving manically as the car reverses, then drives off, we wave a bit more, even when the cars out of sight. And that's it. Susy's gone. (Toni's gone. Angeles' gone.)

So, maybe I exaggerate a little. No tears. And it was just me left standing in the drive. It happened at 8am - others were sleeping and had said goodbyes yesterday, and Rubén and Mar obviously said goodbye inside. Dinora was waving from her window.

But Susy's gone. She won't even be out of Portugal yet.

Every time someone leaves, the Refuge feels empty. I guess now, since Susy was here since three days before I arrived, it feels even more so. I'm starting to see a little bit of how the children must feel each time someone comes and goes. I made a great friend, had great times, adventures, experiences with Susy that I won't forget.

Faltam menos que duas semanas para mim. Quase acabou.

1 comment:

  1. Aidan! I didn't realise you had a blog. If only I'd known!

    Great to read up on what you're up to, and very pleased to see that you're reading some cool stuff. How much longer are you out in Portugal? I think I've spotted that you're starting at Edinburgh in the Autumn.

    Dan x
