Sunday 24 May 2009

Sun, grass, footy, astro and wine.

It's been a fortnight since my last post. So, what exactly HAVE I been doing?, I hear you call. Let me answer...

This and that. Getting into some good disciplines (well, not just these past two weeks, but the whole time I've been here), soaking up some sun, and having a brilliantly English Weekend.

My work has consisted of cutting grass for various reasons. Sometimes just to make the place look pretty. But one of the biggest patches was to stop snakes hiding. Yes, I was filled with joy upon hearing, "We need you to cut the grass by the footy pitch because the snakes hide in there". Great.

English classes have been non-existent this week. I think all the teenagers have done their English tests for school - I just hope I've helped them a little bit! They seemed to get some sort of a grip on whatever we went through (despite the fact they hated doing the classes, just how I felt doing my French tuition classes...).

I guess the biggest news since Friday is the fact that the astro-turf for the new pitch has FINALLY ARRIVED! It was very very exciting. A big lorry, followed by a lot of waiting around for another lorry to be brought with an arm because the first lorry wouldn't fit up the track up to the pitch. Then, five burly men and myself heaved 10 massive rolls of astro-turf off the lorry onto the ground, then strapped them onto the crane one by one to be taken up to the top. Now they're all lying messily by the entrance to the pitch awaiting another machine to come and lay them. Oh, please come tomorrow! It's so bloomin' exciting! Gave my muscles a good work out, too.

I've been 'running' with Jorge and whoever else wants to come this past fortnight, too. I say 'running', because it starts off as a run and quickly turns into a walk, then a slow walk with frequent stops, followed by short and odd bursts of running (after much nagging from me). And that's on a good day. Bad days will hardly start with a run, have a lot of complaining, and much pushing of Jorge by me to make him move at all. I do it as a difference from football, and everytime he says "Aidan lets go running!" and then doesn't run! Why say you want to go running and then complain, Jorge?! I know, it's because he's unfit, but he can't surely be serious when he's not done any running at all and uses the excuse 'Tenho cansado' (I'm tired) when I nag him to run?!

Played a wicked game of footy with Rubén, Joel, Marcos, Miguel, Fabio, Nelson, Goto and João on Wednesday night. Pure gold. It was the teenagers, Miguel and me against Rubén, Fabio, Joel and Marcos. They won, 18-14 or something. Mental. Football with Jorge, Marcos, Miguel and Joel (pequenho) has not been so fun recently (hence the running instead) with arguments, fouls and fights breaking out (usually involving Joel - his temper is bad!) frequently. I have to be an actual referee. Unbelievable.

There's been a lot of sunshine recently, too, until this weekend. It has been nice and hot. Delightful.

What was that? Did I hear someone ask what is this discipline I'm on about?

Well, it's me getting into structures, disciplines, making sure I'm really putting effort into God rather than just sitting back and letting Him happen around me. Put something into the Relationship for it to come out of me. I'm loving my quiet times (though thinking I'll have to do some BEFORE lunch, because I keep falling asleep after lunch...), putting my iPod on the 'Worship' playlist on shuffle and singing loudly, followed by reading a Psalm then a chapter from Jeremiah (at the moment - very interesting; it's amazing, I've been noticing, how much there is reference to Jesus in Jeremiah, which no-one's pointed out to me before.) and then still working through John for Everyone (part 2) by Tom Wright (read it! And Part 1, too!). Had a great time singing the other day, really felt God touching me, loving me, it was great.

I'm also reading two brilliant books right now. Firstly, The Pursuit of Holiness (not Happyness) by Jerry Bridges. Get your hands on a copy - oldish book (about the 80s, so my era, really...) but so relevant today, on something that every single person without exception needs. And secondly, C S Lewis's Reflections on the Psalms (to go with my reading of the Psalms, obviously). Good help, good insight.

So, why no posts since a week ago?

Well, the real answer is the internet has been down for this past week. Why didn't I do it the week before? I have no idea. But here I am now. I also apologise for the lack of photos. Now it's just info. I'll see what I can do about that.

But, Aidan! What was the English Weekend you were on about?!

Ah, thanks for that question. Last weekend I headed up to Porto and spent a weekend with Bill and Tina again. Brilliant time. Saturday night (after seeing X-Men Origins with the teenagers - brilliant film (despite the poor beginning)) was spent with steak and red wine with Bill, Tina, Alison and her daughter Sophia. Great conversation, great food, great company. All English, amazing. Then we watched Britain's Got Talent, and I felt so proud for our country. I'm hooked to the show - not just singing, it's brilliant! After a lovely night's sleep, we watched the Eurovision Song Contest which Tina had recorded. Oh how hilarious! Dead impressed by the UKs position though, and what did you think of Portugal's choon, eh?! Not too shabby! (Especially the male flautist :)) Great church meeting in the evening - Romans 4 and Faith! I was on the djembe in the band again. More top company, top food, and another good night's sleep before coming back. I guess it was a refreshing weekend, but it really made me miss home and thus Monday was difficult for me with the children. I seemed to be uncomprehensible to anybody, I was tired of being a human climbing frame, I was tired of being the children's best friend when I agree with what they're doing and they're worst enemy when I'm saying no. Monday was tough; Tuesday was much better. Just needed to be back into it.

So, I should be home in the next month. It's an odd feeling. I'm not going to start reminiscing yet, though. That'll be another post.

Be safe, y'all. Love to you - I miss you all. Really. Não posso esperar para ver-se quando volte. Beijinho!

In Christ,
Aidan x

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