Monday 1 June 2009

Dia Mundial da Crianças

It's that time of year again, folks! Mar and I found out the other night that yesterday was International Children's Day! Very exciting. Mar had a brainwave - to decorate the house to surprise the children when they woke up! We started at about 9.30pm, finishing at 2am last night - I had no idea we'd spent so long! I made a big banner saying 'Feliz Dia das Crianças: Vocês são especiales!' with the kids names and various pictures. Mar and I printed out a bunch of 'Madagascar', 'Bolt', 'Cars' and general kid pictures and Mar mounted them and wrote little messages like, 'Somos um equipo FIXE!' ('We are a cool team!'), giving each of the characters a name of the children here. We then found some fabric markers and unused t-shirts and made them all a unique t-shirt with encouraging words like, 'Sou numero 1!', 'Sou muito fixe!', and 'Sou um rapaz estupendo!' They loved that. The rule is they had to wear it all day - they didn't mind. We then stumbled across a bunch of Disney character masks, so we gave those to them with their breakfast (which included sweets and chocolate). We also found a couple of wigs, which Mar and I wore and painted our faces before putting 'I like to move it move it!' at full volume on and waking the children up by dancing and jumping and singing and making a heck of a racket! Brilliant! The kids were blurry eyed and confused at first, but soon were beaming, grinning, dancing, singing, shouting, and being very kiddish. Enjoy these photos and video!

Our Efforts... My Banner! Joel...

Left to right (back rown, then middle, then front): Nelson; Dinora; Marcos; me; Jorge; Joel; Miguel; Paulo.

Fabio...chump :) I like to move it move it! Marcos tucking in.

Paulo is outrageously cute, though a crying machine.

Gobble gobble. Miguel Paulo

Here's us, dancing. Sorry about the lack of sound - I don't have the best camera...

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely in the running for my favourite of all your posts. It's so joy-filled! I also love Fabio's Tshirt (hahaa!), but am intrigued that he goes for 'blonds' over 'blondes'. The duck faces (completely forgotten what that character's called) look like an original but slightly terrifying way of censoring photos of children... and I like your banner :)
    That is all! Love and prayers, as ever. xxxx
